Mg2+ Finaliste aux ELA Awards 2020

Good news!
We are honored to announce that we have been selected as finalists in the ELA AWARDS 2020 held in Brussels this coming November 10th. The European Logistics Association (ELA) is the organizer of highly prestigious award that over the years, these awards have been granted to the most outstanding contributors in the fields of logistics. We are delighted to know that our project Mg2+ has been recognized in the industry for being an innovative solution.

Link to ELA Awards finalists’ page:

ELA Award Finalist 2020 1

The Mg2+ Project

Mg2+ is a collaborative project that brings together 4 competing manufacturers: Carambar&Co., Cémoi, Ferrero and Mondelez, and 2 logistic providers, Interlog Logistic and FM logistic, around the common objective of reducing the number of trucks on the roads.
The innovative process of EDI pooling mutualizes trucks for retailers and other distribution channels. This method is well suited for retail companies that do not work in shared VMI.
To enable fast and efficient processing, Interlog Logistic and Interlog Solutions have designed and developed EDI pooling software that also provides customized KPI to monitor activity. Interlog, a neutral and independent party, acts as a conductor between the different players in the pool. This collaboration is made possible by the management of the EDI pooling process by Interlog Logistics control tower.
To enable fast and efficient processing, Interlog Logistic and Interlog Solutions have designed and developed EDI pooling software that also provides business performance indicators.




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